Scott Cunningham DVD

Friday, December 17, 2010


Many persons are turning to various alternative healing and health practices which include many from Asian sources, as well as some from indigenous peoples or tribes in South America, Africa, etc. which include shamans.... Nowadays, this 'wisdom from the East' has penetrated into areas once reserved for 'traditional' medicine of the West.....and now Western Medicine is considering the possilbe value and function of such in various ways, even to the extent of acknowledging some of them have an effect,whether helpful or not, curative or not...and perhaps in their wake, the pharmaceutical companies have seen such as a boon and boost to their 'industry' and so forth... Many methods of the ancient world and the past were considered inferior to that of the official medicine of the day.....and some still are.....but people are turning to alternative cures and medicines and systems or practices for things they cannot receive otherwise from Western Medicine.... Therefore, I have placed a few indications of what can be looked at by those interested in 'becoming their own best physicians' and who want to work out their own cures, if any, in their own 'laboratories' which are, of course, their bodies, which can and may undergo a 'transformation' if not a 'transmutation' .....depending on what they do or follow.... At any rate a discussion of things old and new, far and wide, ancient and modern, with a lot thrown in between,is what I plan to do on this blog until t he government, as it has for some in the past, shuts me down......if it does.....

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Over the years people build up in some cases what can be termed,' MEDICAL HISTORY' of which numerous items are entered into this system, which often consists of laboratory reports, office visits to various medicos, hospitalization, diseases, immunizations, blood giving/letting, and a vast array of information that one usually does not understand or keep track of, until something happens to disrupt what might be termed 'a normal state of health and well-being',etc. The role of the medical history, whatever it might be in indiviudual cases or instances, may be most important, but frequently it has become, in my experience for several reasons that I hope to discuss, a mere ritual and rite that doctors hopsitals and insurance companies of all kinds require...which means that one has to undergo this process of 'initiation' in nearly every visit and examination,etc. before entering the hallowed halls of medical practitioners nowadays termed 'PROVIDERS'..... PRIVACY CONCERNS also enter in all of this process....... Currently, I do not have a 'personal care provider' or a personal physician or a personal doctor, and those I once had in my childhood are now dead, both lying in their graves and no longer lying to clients and patients or other medical groups.... The various physicians who write columns and maintain websites and send out various newsletters are a growing phenomenon simply because health care and medicine and insurance for such is too expensive, complicated, and controlled by various bureauracies and this means people who have any type of illness, disease, symptoms(real or imaginary)and the like are seeking alternative methods and treatments and also diagnosis.... FREQUENTLY, all of these electronic/media/column writers are non-practicing physicians or,if they are,attempt to fill the gap between actual treatment and theoretical treatment, sometimes steering patients to the right direction(s) in their quest for health and treatment(s) or 'cures' which may or may not exist.... Rather than restrict or ignore these dedicated physicians with a literary, informative bent and talent who present factual and interesting details especially to honest,needed, and sometimes misdiagnosed concerns on health, they do provide a service that often invites criticism and the like from their colleagues and others....and I, myself, have sometimes challenged their statements in the past and sometimes added some things to their presentations, though very limited..... However,many of these physicians make this statement: CONSULT YOUR OWN PERSONAL PHYSICIAN OR MEDICAL CARE PROVIDER WHO KNOWS YOUR MEDICAL HISTORY BETTER....something I think does not really apply unless you are seeing such each and every day....as few read the charts/check lists you fill out and present on each and every visit or treatment or examination and some of them merely assume it's the same old thing bothering you or there is no cure,etc. or they hand you some pills they indicate may prove helpful to you,especially if you take them for years and years....and the pharmaceutical companies do appreciate your business.... My point is that YOU ARE YOUR OWN BEST PHYSICIAN...just as you are YOUR OWN BEST TIME KEEPER! No doctor memorizes my history nor does he or she know my actual state of health and they only wait to find out when you report to them,usually aching and ailing and complaining of things termed 'symptoms' etc. These 'historical' documents termed 'Medical Histories' may serve some purpose,of course, even if to take up file space,either in actual cabinets or virtual, electronic cabinets,etc. and the latter will assume a greater importance as medical treatments, diagnoses,etc. go on line more and more, despite privacy concerns.....the software that analyzes the date present via this way will render seeing some real,alive doctor in person and solve the medical problems or suggest course of action possible for such...all without leaving your computer or home,etc. More on this another time.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

यू अरे यौर ओवन बेस्ट PHYSICIAN

I have purused over the years the various columns of 'literary' physicians, those who write for popular publications and sometimes are syndicated, having also some correspondence with them at various times,sometimes to question their assumptions and contradictions.......I will mention some of them in future posts perhaps if I feel these are relevant.....The current newspaper physician I am following is DR. GOTT whose columns are most informative as a rule and openly honest, with an appeal to many who are dissatisfied, as I am, with the health care situation in the United States and the many issue involved in this, which are often political as well as economic, and demand some kind of reform beyond the usual ones now offered or touted and which need to get down to the people who need such more than those who can afford the high costs of such and who also receive certain benefits denied to others who need healing..... In most of the columns I read reference is always made to YOUR PERSONAL PHYSICIAN and YOUR PERSONAL CARE GIVER OR PROVIDER, and elevated into an 'authority' figure and assumed to exist, as a way to avoid any responsibility by the writers for their information usually that they give. At my age, many of my early 'personal' doctors are now dead and I have given up on the last batch I consulted for the reasons that may become obvious as I write more on this subject but which everyone can readily guess as their complaints and observations are similar in many respects to mine..... Consequently,I have no personal doctor at the moment but I do have a skin doctor(who skins us with fees, tests,etc. as part and parcel of the insurance focus) and a dentist whom I prefer even though he operates beyond the 'preferred' status of an insurance company or plan that I have......that has doubled since retirement and which I hardly use... Of course, surgeons are another matter and that I will discuss another time. the further assumption and contention is that 'your personal physician knows your medical history better than anyone else' which,in my case is nonsense' since they seldom talked with me, only took info I gave them and filed all tests and so forth without really reading them or discussing them too much with me......

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Recently some discussion of the killing arts, combat, and martial arts have appeared on FACEBOOK and so I have added some things to the discussion on my blogs. In this blog, the emphasis is on KAPPO-SAPPO: KILL OR CURE. The martial arts and combat arts all have these dual aspects to be sure and methods of accomplishing both will differ and some will have trends and vogues as is expected in a changing field.... While many may focus on either the lethal,deadly aspects other will focus on the healing, health issues and topics....and a very rare few will focus and study and practice both arts...... The ethical aspects of healing and curing and those of killing and injury are only considered when someone is involved in such but society and culture have placed certain demands,rules and regulations, and restrictions, as well as organizing methods and places for treatment or war,etc. although anything can happen at nearly any time as we well know. Injuries that lead to death are many and involve the three components of the physical body which may be roughly described as: BLOOD,GUTS & BONE....and when weapons are employed the attack on one of more can be deadly.....but if more than one is attacked and if all three are attacked at the same time, death can easily occur and usually does if no cure or healing or medical procedures are available.....combat situations and war always come to mind etc. but such things are not wholly confined to those situations...