Scott Cunningham DVD

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Recently some discussion of the killing arts, combat, and martial arts have appeared on FACEBOOK and so I have added some things to the discussion on my blogs. In this blog, the emphasis is on KAPPO-SAPPO: KILL OR CURE. The martial arts and combat arts all have these dual aspects to be sure and methods of accomplishing both will differ and some will have trends and vogues as is expected in a changing field.... While many may focus on either the lethal,deadly aspects other will focus on the healing, health issues and topics....and a very rare few will focus and study and practice both arts...... The ethical aspects of healing and curing and those of killing and injury are only considered when someone is involved in such but society and culture have placed certain demands,rules and regulations, and restrictions, as well as organizing methods and places for treatment or war,etc. although anything can happen at nearly any time as we well know. Injuries that lead to death are many and involve the three components of the physical body which may be roughly described as: BLOOD,GUTS & BONE....and when weapons are employed the attack on one of more can be deadly.....but if more than one is attacked and if all three are attacked at the same time, death can easily occur and usually does if no cure or healing or medical procedures are available.....combat situations and war always come to mind etc. but such things are not wholly confined to those situations...