Scott Cunningham DVD

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

यू अरे यौर ओवन बेस्ट PHYSICIAN

I have purused over the years the various columns of 'literary' physicians, those who write for popular publications and sometimes are syndicated, having also some correspondence with them at various times,sometimes to question their assumptions and contradictions.......I will mention some of them in future posts perhaps if I feel these are relevant.....The current newspaper physician I am following is DR. GOTT whose columns are most informative as a rule and openly honest, with an appeal to many who are dissatisfied, as I am, with the health care situation in the United States and the many issue involved in this, which are often political as well as economic, and demand some kind of reform beyond the usual ones now offered or touted and which need to get down to the people who need such more than those who can afford the high costs of such and who also receive certain benefits denied to others who need healing..... In most of the columns I read reference is always made to YOUR PERSONAL PHYSICIAN and YOUR PERSONAL CARE GIVER OR PROVIDER, and elevated into an 'authority' figure and assumed to exist, as a way to avoid any responsibility by the writers for their information usually that they give. At my age, many of my early 'personal' doctors are now dead and I have given up on the last batch I consulted for the reasons that may become obvious as I write more on this subject but which everyone can readily guess as their complaints and observations are similar in many respects to mine..... Consequently,I have no personal doctor at the moment but I do have a skin doctor(who skins us with fees, tests,etc. as part and parcel of the insurance focus) and a dentist whom I prefer even though he operates beyond the 'preferred' status of an insurance company or plan that I have......that has doubled since retirement and which I hardly use... Of course, surgeons are another matter and that I will discuss another time. the further assumption and contention is that 'your personal physician knows your medical history better than anyone else' which,in my case is nonsense' since they seldom talked with me, only took info I gave them and filed all tests and so forth without really reading them or discussing them too much with me......