Monday, November 30, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
There is nothing like a wonderful morning drink to start off one's day and its health promoting qualities were recommended years ago by 'a seventh son of a seventh son of a seventh son,etc.,etc.) that lived in a town not from from me when I was taken to him as a child for a 'cure' which I will discuss either here at some time or under blogs. Simple ingredients make up the best 'elixirs' and 'tonics' and 'medicines' and 'morning drinks'. This one is easy to prepare and here it is: each morning dissolve a teaspoon of CREAM OF TARTAR in a cup of hot water and stir and then drink. This marvelous morning ritual is said to purify but not necessarliy purge your stomach and bowels,etc. as well as doing other intangible 'miracles'. DO IT EVERY DAY.
Here are some 'combos' that fastidious dieters and health enthusiasts might enjoy for their daily repasts: ORANGES & SPINACH;MILK & HONEY; PEPPERS & GARLIC; TOMATOES & BROCCOLI; GREEN TEA & LEMON; APPLES & BLUEBERRIES; and plaling AVOCADO in salads of all types,at least those somewhat compatible with this fruit. FINALLY, take this good advice that was given to me; always put a little lemon in your coffee!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I have had some minor successes in curing my sore throat conditions, though not all, by focusing my open mouth as widely as possible and allowing the sun's rays to 'warm its sore membranes and the area of long-removed tonsils(done twice in childhood). When nose-dripping colds and watery-eyes attest to a severe 'head' cold, the sun's warm rays can,with your eyes closed, make some alleviation in things if done according to the need for such,which is determined by your personal understanding of what you need to do along these lines. Aches and pains that often accompany such, can be alleviated by the warmth of the sun on your back,whether clothed or bare by standing at a window that allows the sun's rays to go through it(clear panes of glass,for example) and when, of course, the sun is shining. Not only will the vitamin D so much needed form in you but will help in other ways. Of course, you must not expose your body to the sun to the extent that you might well develop skin cancer. I mention this because I suffer from the fact that as a child, I was always told 'go out and get some sun' and forces at times to be in the sun, and being light-complected and sort of blue/green/etc. eyes and once having carrot- red hair(especially at birth) I developed in later years the much dreaded 'PRE-CANCEROUS' skin conditions on my forehead. At any rate, perhaps those of you who are always advised to 'get a tan' will be forewarned not to do so. I do know that people in tropical countries are not like the usual 'mad dogs and Englishmen' who reputedly run around in 'the noonday sun' etc. To them, trying to 'darken' the skin by such pernicious practices as exposing 'marvelous WHITE skin' to the sun is not only ludicrous but stupid and insane,but such a cultural vice as these 'tropicals' exhibit has yet to be found among the Caucasian-occasions of 'sunbathers and 'tanners',who prefer leathery skins to soft smooth flesh-like ivory.
The ancient knew that THE POWER OF THE SUN could either cure or kill one,depending on certain circumstances. Among the so-called 'worshippers' of the SUN were the Aztecs, Toltecs, Mayas,Incas, and various other 'OLD WORLD' RELIGIONS. The various rituals and rites,including some human sacrifices, need not concern us here or deter us from knowing that the Sun is significant in many ways and does influence human behavior, although differently than the influences of the Moon or the Stars,etc. Impressions and Influences are topics for other discussions in other blogs, so I will not dwell on such. As a 'light-sensitive being' my awarenss of the Sun began as young child when I was forced to pose for pictures taken with the box cameras of the day and face the sun to get enough natural light for the photo to come out when developed in dark rooms. My eyes, dripping with a strong flow of tears, seldom could focus and so my face would appear all screwed up in rather unflattering photos of constant squinting. The few photos of me that exist will attest to this 'phenomenon'. However, based on my "ROSICRUCIAN' studies and related readings,etc. I came to realize that certain alignments with the forces of nature in relation to the sun and the poles of the earth had some bearing on one's physical well-being. Since I am supposedly 'under oath' not to reveal these age-old secrets handed down by adepts' I shall not do so except to suggest some things that will be of practical use in health promoting ways,that can be found sometimes in various periodicals on the stands of bookstores that often deal in so-called 'new age' procedures and systems. Since I am most fortunate that in my present house the necessary alignments,some according to the Chinese methods of Feng sui,shui, are in evidence, I will share this in of with readers of my blogs,who can test them at their leisure. This is in regard to m;y upstairs bedroom and its windows which face EAST with the head of my bed aligned to the NORTH and the foot of my bed aligned to the SOUTH. Additionally, my front door is places properly and I do have a 'magic mirror' of sorts, the PAKUA/BAGUA one hanging from it,etc. I also keep the toilet seats down as much as possible to keep 'good luck' and 'fortune' from going down the drains, all of which to ordinary minds as 'rank superstition'no doubt. Although the cardinal direction of North is mentioned, a better orientation is along the MAGNETIC NORTH which can be determined by a compass, of course. Since the Sun rises in theEast and proceeds to 'journey' West, placements of one's personal shrine, temple, closet, and so forth as may be set up according to certain 'esoteric specifications' and one's own personal taste, so that your thoughts, emotions, prayers, bequests to higher powers, and other things of a similar nature may be acknowledged by them, it is important that they be also 'rising from the East' as you face such and recite your 'obligations' to the higher powers that you care to designate as of 'significance' to you and,keeping such as private and isolated as possible, be known only to yourself as TIME goes by and devours everything. So far none of this blog has dealt with any specific 'solar' cures' or 'practices, per se. So I shall givbe this info in a new topic when I have time not to ramble on as I have thus far done in the hopes that some of it might just well appear comprehensive enough to understand without leading anyone astray from their basic aims in life.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Ultimately, everyone who reaches 'the age of understanding', if ever, is responsible for their own health and survival, and well-being even if governments attempt to regulate and improve their respective health conditions or to rectify their health problems at public expense. Trying to rectify the specific problems of individuals who have devoted a lifetime or a significant part of their life to becoming obese,alcoholic, drug addicted,etc. places an enormous financial burden and strain on any health insurance or health plans and on all treatment centers and establishments as such is often futile and the effects of a lifetime of indulgence and dissipation cannot always be reversed or overcome. Quite often "ONE'S LIFE STYLE IS SIMPLY HAZARDOUS TO ONE'S HEALTH'!
Monday, October 5, 2009
This month's issue of TACTICAL KNIVES, November issue, has an article entitled(on the front cover) FAIRBAIRN'S 'TIMETABLE OF DEATH' Debunked! which should be read by all style sof knife fighting and bladed arts since it illustrates the difference between 'technocrats' and 'WARRIORS'. GENTLEMEN: set your stop watches! Since the column: STREET SMARTS on page 8 in this issue talks about blood loss: facts and fiction, and since the late W.E. FAIRBAIRN and his collegue SYKES are dead and the late Col Rex Applegate is not around and alot of WWII Vets have passed away, I have decided to express my views on this subject which may not meet with anyone's or everyone's opinions but I really don't care. d Of course, I recognize that certain data about this topic can be most pertinent if collected and analyzed correctly,etc. it seems to me that for those for whom these tables were constructed could care less as most of us would, if inflicting cuts and blade attacks continue such until the foe was dead. Whether or not he has five seconds, ten seconds, or 65 seconds or more to live does not matter to anyone except him. The article also makes the assumption that the types of knives they are using will be the type shown and that a single cut to the carotid artery is all that would be done,at least for the purposes of this article. The article does not mention the femoral artery and other areas and relies,unless I am mistaken, on data obtained from doctors, med centers, and a few other records. The writer/author does not mention that this timetable was constructed back in the early days and designed to give confidence about certain methods to men ready to engage in war and possibly to lose their lives. Also, a lot of this stuff was for OSS people who went behind the lines. I would almost guarantee that if the neck is struck and slashed with a very heavy,sharp blade, the number of seconds remaining for the person would be moot. As I have suggested elsewhere, to test cutting methods try pigs and otehr animals for slaughter and actually cut and let blood flow. I am sure that when the Japs tested their head chopping methods on Chinese and American and Korean and Filipino prisoners they did not count the seconds but merely the strokes, the ideal being a single stroke of the Japanese sword, 'samurai' or not! This reminds me of the type of mentality that certain Nazis had when they kept track of the number of 'groin-grinds' with jackboots it took to kill a Jewish prisoner. The sheer delight of both the Krauts and Nips as captured on photos of such interesting 'experiments' with prisoners would,no doubt, be of prime importance to the technocrats. To carry these time-tables to the other extreme, just note the various DIM MAK,DIAN TSUHE,ETC. tables that require memorization of times and hours,etc. to be 'effective' etc. If people think they are going to die from such wounds chances are they will and there heart rates will certainly be pounding in many instances. Whenever you have TRAUMA of any kind, there is always the risk of death. You can die from a wound that does not seem serious and from which most quickly recover if you think it will kill you or that you are going to die. THE POWER OF SUGGESTION is strong and think 'death-touch' and 'poison hand'etc. Anyway, the nice thing/think about this article is it might provoke some serious discussion. Maybe I'll have time some day to do a bit more on this.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Those familiar with 'THE SCIENCE OF SHIT' as outlined in some of these blogs know, moderns are unfamiliar with the use of the five senses which have been dulled by culture and civilization in numerous ways. Most persons today are 'sight-oriented' whereas past generations were more 'auditory' or 'sound' oriented. Of course, the cacaphony of contemporary music being played nearly everywhere and anyhow, is another matter,that those who wish to improve their health, should consider later on. To train you sense of smell and to gain the great benefits of AROMATHERAPY, everyone from an early age if possible, and this is most difficult to do these days, learn to distinquish between the 'odors',scents' and 'perfumes' of the various waste products, namely 'shit' that these animals produce in their transformation of plants,etc. for the benefit of GREAT NATURE. These 'aromatic products' are: cow,horse, pig, hen,dog,cat manures and Elephant dung and Camel dung, and also human waste. Eventually, after catching a whiff of fresh 'poop' this practice will enable you,in an instant, to tell what animal or creature did it or is doing it,especially if you cannot see the animal at its 'daily chores'. Full inhalations will,of course, enable the inhaler to reap great benefits not readily achieved by modern man these days in his daily life.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The very first consideration in any medical appointment,any medical treatment, and medical problem is:MONEY AND INSURANCE! The first words out of the mouths of all receptionists and desk clerks in any hospital, clinic, or doctor's office,aside from,' DO YOU HAVE AN APPOINTMENT?" IS: "DO YOU HAVE INSURANCE?" or, 'WHAT'S THE NAME OF YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY?" The repetitive routine of going over your personal information and your health condition before you see the physician(now called 'HEALTH-CARE PROVIDER' ) ostensibly to save time and discover or note any changes in your life,condition(s), and finances is a further obstacle between you and your physician, who gets paid essentially for running a factory and seeing as many patients as possible in the shortest time possible. The constant parade of your ailments and conditions for receptionist evaluation(is it an emergency?)and determination to allow you to see your doctor is usually within hearling distance of crowded waiting rooms and this is an aggravation that most people have to endure.
IiT IS BECOMING INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN OR HAVE ACCESS TO ANY KIND OF MEDICAL CARE BY ORDINARY PERSONS,by ordinary citizens,,without riding the 'MERRY-GO-ROUND" THAT NOT ONLY DOCTORS AND SO-CALLED 'HEALTH-CARE PROVIDERS have erected about themselves but the hurdles and barriers erected by insurance companies and government agencies have to be negotiated! For most people at home or on the street, the entire MEDICAL MAZE conforonts them the moment they have medical problems, illnesses,etc.whether major or minor.
Friday, July 31, 2009
DEAD DOCS DON'T LIE (unless it is in their graves)
No doubt, many readers of this blog will have seen or heard the other variation of this theme: DEAD DOCTORS DON'T LIE! The implication is that live doctors tend to lie, especially to patients, and sometimes this was at the request of family members in cases of 'incurable',unmentionable cases. Certainly, the old family doctors are nearly an extinct breed. All this now pertains to health care,etc. which is becoming a major problem for people in the United States. However, despite alternative medicines, and practices, people are still locked into insurance plans that are expensive, hooked on pharmaceuticals(manufactured by large corporations and prescribed by physicians,which leads many to conclude they are acting in collusion or concert), and unable to free themselves from orthodox cures and treatments,etc. More has to be said about all this. But the rest of the world,(the so-called 'Third World') tends to rely on either no modern medical procedures or plans or doctors, but work with 'native' or 'traditional' or primitive medical means and ways.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Many medicines, over the ages, from simple herbs to complex compounds have both cured and killed the recipients of such, who may have been suffering from a multitude of diseases,illnesses, maladies, and so on,too numerous to diagnose here or describe,since the purpose of this is not to create hypochondriacs!
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