Scott Cunningham DVD

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I have had some minor successes in curing my sore throat conditions, though not all, by focusing my open mouth as widely as possible and allowing the sun's rays to 'warm its sore membranes and the area of long-removed tonsils(done twice in childhood). When nose-dripping colds and watery-eyes attest to a severe 'head' cold, the sun's warm rays can,with your eyes closed, make some alleviation in things if done according to the need for such,which is determined by your personal understanding of what you need to do along these lines. Aches and pains that often accompany such, can be alleviated by the warmth of the sun on your back,whether clothed or bare by standing at a window that allows the sun's rays to go through it(clear panes of glass,for example) and when, of course, the sun is shining. Not only will the vitamin D so much needed form in you but will help in other ways. Of course, you must not expose your body to the sun to the extent that you might well develop skin cancer. I mention this because I suffer from the fact that as a child, I was always told 'go out and get some sun' and forces at times to be in the sun, and being light-complected and sort of blue/green/etc. eyes and once having carrot- red hair(especially at birth) I developed in later years the much dreaded 'PRE-CANCEROUS' skin conditions on my forehead. At any rate, perhaps those of you who are always advised to 'get a tan' will be forewarned not to do so. I do know that people in tropical countries are not like the usual 'mad dogs and Englishmen' who reputedly run around in 'the noonday sun' etc. To them, trying to 'darken' the skin by such pernicious practices as exposing 'marvelous WHITE skin' to the sun is not only ludicrous but stupid and insane,but such a cultural vice as these 'tropicals' exhibit has yet to be found among the Caucasian-occasions of 'sunbathers and 'tanners',who prefer leathery skins to soft smooth flesh-like ivory.

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