Scott Cunningham DVD

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Mankind in its QUEST FOR IMMORTALITY has long sought out various elixers and herbs and a number of practices to enhance LONGEVITY,if not 'immortality'. DIET,BREATHING, & EXERCISE(effort) have long been considered as 'THE KEYS TO A LONG LIFE' if not 'immortality'. All this when viewed historically has led to various conclusions by both science and religion,which sometimes seem at great odds with each other, until we realize that scientific and religous dogmas are relative to actual experience and that theories and conjectures all demand actual proof. 'THE SECRETS OF IMMORTALITY' whether from a scientific,religous, or philosophical point of view are not easily attained since no one reaches 'immortality' as most conceive of such. Since worlds come and go and MOTION(S)seem evident,nothing can be seen as 'ETERNAL', since the UNIVERSE( word used to cover all kinds of phenomena)is moving, changing, as is the earth on which live humans who are concerned with 'immortality' and life prolongments, for themselves individually and selfishly mostly. 'THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH' is a special notion that many have come to believe in and attempt to seek on various levels and on smaller scales; some believing it can be achieved by degrees. It may have been that such a fountain-notion came about from drinking water in certain places and in this water was various minerals that seemed to help people,cure diseases of some kinds and when used for cooking as well as drinking, seemed to 'energize' them. Additons of herbs and plants alos may have led to the belief that concoctions of various items could leand eventually to 'panacea', universal cures and agents of longer living throughsuch consumption of these special concoctions. Others in their quest for immortality have looked to less material apsects and so developed a vast number of systems-which can be called 'spiritual', 'mystical', 'occult-esoteric', 'psychic',etc. But for the most part, another approach uses the body and its systems which have both elaborately complex descriptions as well as simpler ones, tgo achieve such a goal as 'immortality' or 'longevity'. IN THIS SENSE: the practices are 'INTERNAL'. So schools of 'external' and 'internal' existbut they are not the complete answer it would seem. THE 'EXTERNAL' & 'THE INTERNAL',which can be placed under other 'headings' like 'hot' & 'cold','wet' & 'dry', 'positive' & 'negative',etc.,all dualistic considerationsof course, need to be united and utilize a third aspect which may be called a 'CATALYST' or 'NEUTRAL FORCE' which few can perceive so they are really 'blind'.

1 comment:

  1. Many people will 'swallow' anything, from spiders to swords...and a lot of 'baloney'...
